The Farmer, The Carabao, and The Waterfall

Okaaay, this was written a really really long time ago. This, my friends, is what happens when I am ignored.
a story by hitsumi and shime:)


(hitsumi narrates here) :

here's the story me and my best friend made!!! hope you guys like it...LOL its made up of pure randomness and insanity...

its a story about a dying carabao and the farmer that owned it...

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my bestfriend would play the carabao (sayuri), and i as the humble poor defenseless farmer (Ungga)... LOL

opinions and criticisms are very appreciated.. icon_3nodding.gif icon_3nodding.gif

yes.. this is insanity at its best icon_twisted.gif icon_twisted.gif icon_twisted.gif icon_twisted.gif

For those who do not know a carabao is like a cow or like a buffalo but bigger.. it looks like this


Farmer (hitsumi)
Cara (shime)

“ Oh the muddy field, the ignored plower, and the rainy sky… great! Just great!”

"NO! not CARA! (the carabao's name) Here! *holds chicken named kaname* (my harvest moon chicken) take him instead!!!!"

"Thy chicken’s life is of greater importance than thee! To die, or not to die? That is the question…"

"CAnt you see!!!??? This almost bovine creature is more special to me than piece poultry!!! (points at chicken)
So take the egg-laying creature instead,!!!!" *raises the chicken to the dark muti-colered sky* (it happened near the afternoon... you know when the sun had begin to set)

the sun was almost gone, forming multitudes of crimson smears on the sky

"Oh the feeling of the rich muddy soil… What a miserable death indeed..."

All Ungga (the farmer) could do was stare at that poor creature while it drowned at the dark depths of the silted water that we now call mud...

"Here I lay, in this wet parch of land. Awaiting for death to embrace thy self… so long ye people who have ignored thy existence! For I shall never return to this miserable place you call Earth. Oh sweet death! Come to me now!"

Suddenly, Cara stumbled upon upon a peice of old wood, flowing through a river that had more life than her. and upon the wood was a shining dagger, as though fate had intended for it to happen.. 'Thy fate has been decided..." She took the dagger, holding it to the dark multi-colored sky. as she did, thunder and lightning began to join in her misery..."I'll be brief. o happy dagger! this is thy sheath;there rust and let me die.."

"Darkness... Warmth... Is this what ye call death? This feeling of freedom and love that i have never felt... woe i have suffered, have suffered foul wrongs that may awaken. Ah me! Alas! Would God I might bring to an ending, an ending. the life that i loathe, and behind me might cast all its burden of pain!"

"Cara!!!!!!!!!!!! nooooooo!!!!!!" she screamed as she dropped her chicken in the mud*

*the chicken sank*

Ungga could now see no more... everything was tinted scarlet

*as the forgotten miserable piece of poultry struggled for breath, Ungga did not heed to its cries.. she ignored its silent yet somewhat noisy pleas... only the caraboa was of out most importance now... only the carabao...*

Ungga watched her carabao fall to the dark depths of that murderous water, its torrent carrying her bloodied corpse... she looked away from that heart crushing sight... she did want to see the carabao's body fall from the near waterfall...

*the carabo's body fell graciously from the waterfall it landed on the far away deep liquid that lay under the waterfall *

(it kinda looked like this.. just imagine that the cliff is a waterfall, and the car was a pool of water under the waterfall)

(cant.. stop... laughing!!!!!! icon_rofl.gif icon_rofl.gif icon_rofl.gif )

The farmer, Ungga was her name, had grown old of age, all energy dissolved, from the painful moment of her only friend's death. As the strands of her white curly hair danced in the wind, and the slight rain trickling her wrinkled face, and her eyes, which were full of life and happiness, have now transformed into two dark heart broken slits on her deteriorating face.
As a miserable montage fast forwarded into her aging brain, she cried as she saw the porttrait of her carabao hung on her walls...
"That's my last carabao, painted on the wall, looking as if she were alive. that piece of wonder, now in the waterfall's hands. worked busily a day, and there she stands."

The next day, the woman named Ungga was no more... she was now nothing but a memory...

Ungga was found dead thereafter...



dilligaff said...

LOL I cant stop laughing!!! (man!! i couldnt even read it properly (with the feelings) i just couldnt stop laughing!!)

We.Are.One said...

-_- yeah....... you know how hard it was to copy paste without looking at the words!? i read this a thousand times last night and i think my family thinks i've gone berserk... (though i really am in the first place XDDD)


dilligaff said...

you copied everything in gaia?!? wow... awesome effort woman

We.Are.One said...

AND, i had to all these steps since i forgot my password... -_- never doing that again...


poweredbygravy said...

that was super weird.. but i LOVE it!

We.Are.One said...

o_O too bad ungga had to die. lol


dilligaff said...

natsumi: :D
woman: XD both the cara-bao and woman had to die!!

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