-- sayuri matsu/woman/fubar/4eyes/shime/granny/cara :)
PS: Somebody help me with a title T_T
PPS: you will be reading a cheezy and *cough* emotional story. brace yourselves. and please..... dont kill me TT^TT
They stared at each other long and hard. His was unreadable, and so was hers. She had the look of a book, it's covers concealing the true story beyond her expression. He had a look concealed in a metal armor. A look of a forlorn soul that has lost something. She wanted it back for him. And that want was as strong for their want for each other.
"Your body..." she whispered as she placed her hand on his metal chest. "Your soul..." she gasped as she saw the blood seal within the armor. He had told her everything, and she did not want to believe it. And as she gave him one long stare, she faltered in her words and bowed her head in despair... "Your heart..."
"Yumi..." he whispered back. Alphonse did not want to remain silent. But somehow his words had failed him, and the fear of losing her overpowered his very being. He stared back and could not resist the urge to pull her in his embrace. She hesitated, but she let him.
"Do you see me differently?"
No answer.
"I wont blame you if you do."
Still, no answer.
"Im sorry Yumi."
She shot him a deathly glare. "Why are you apologizing moron?"
"Because..." He could not think of a proper answer. His mind was full of thoughts of her, and at that very moment, he began to lose himself.
"My.. my body was taken away. I swear to get it back. My soul...brother attached my soul to this armor. But at any moment it might let go, so I'll just have to use my time wisely. My heart.... it was never with me from the start..." He looked at her as if to try and make her believe every single word. "Because I gave it to you."
She could not help but laugh and stare. She was amused with his words.. Her reactions were a bewilderment to him. He did not know how her mind ticked, but he knew full well how her heart beat.
"Moron." She gently lay her head on his chest, and somehow, for some unknown reason, his cold metal touch had become almost human...
"Get it back quickly. You know me, I'm impatient." She smirked. But it was time for him to go. He had to leave anyways. His life was no longer chained to one place. He had a path to walk. A goal to accomplish, and to do this he must leave those who are important behind.
As he and his brother started to walk that path, and as their figures started to fade away, she called out his name, and almost immediately, he turned back and waved one more goodbye.
"Sayonara..." He did not shout back, he only whispered, because he knew she'll still hear him anyway.
"Yes, Al?"
"How....why... she just...... how come..."
"What!? Speak up!"
"I just stood there on her doorstep, motionless, without a single word. But it took her only one stare to --"
"Did you scare her with the armor Al?"
He did not know how to continue.
"I stood there motionless. I did not tell her who I was. I did not say a single word. And then, as if to pull me out of my darkness...............she said my name."
Chapter ONE: Whoever said "What you don't know, can't hurt you." is a moron
4 years after...
'Twas a normal day in Bakakagure
hotaru: One, two, three...*counts money*
(fuyushi mysteriously arrives at the scene)
Fuyu: Hey Hotaru!
Hotaru: Oh hey there Fuyushi!*smiles* What brings you here?
Fuyushi: Oh yeah... um... haha. No particular reason really *scratches the back of his neck*. I just wanted to check up on
you...*sweatdrop* Hey watcha doin'?(isabella style!)
Hotaru: I'm counting the money fuyushi, so dont distract me too much-
Fuyushi: - now why would I do that? *leans on a water dispenser*
Hotaru: well okay --
BUUUUUUUGSHHHHHH!!!!!!! (both their head snaps to the direction of the loud heart stopping sound)
Hotaru: Ah! Fuyushi! What did you do?
(teh watah dispenzeeer gots knocked dooown)
Hitsumi: let me guess... -_- ..fuyushi..
fuyushi: *sweatdrop* i swear i didnt mean to..
hitsumi: *sighs* just clean it up.
fuyshi: *grabs a mop* yes maam!
hitsumi: *takes the BANK BOOK -citations needed (gomen.. we cudnt find the right term ~nats & yumi)-*
wait.. whats this?!
hotaru & fuyushi (sfx : eehh) : huh?
hitsumi storms in to bakamaru's office.
hitsumi: how do you explain THIS?! *takes the bank book and throws it on Bakamaaru's face* What does this look like?!
bakamaru: *stares at the bank book for a while* Uhhhh... it's a bank book?
hitsumi:of course it is!!! half a million!!! What did you do with HALF A MILLION?!
bakamaru: *shines* oh... that... *he then led her to his bathroom*
BEHOLD!!!!! * neon sign says: COW PARADISE* sfx: halleluja! halleluja!
hitsumi:0_o *dumb founded*
bakamaru: i did this all by myself! *shines* It was hard work transporting all the stuff from the real swamp! of course, the grass had problems growing...but see where my hardwork has taken me!
hitsumi: this... this must have cost a fortune *scary un-hitsumi look*
bakamaru: exactly! half a million--

fuyushi: *comes in* hey hitsumi! Im done! WHAAAAA! What happened in here?!!!! uh... bakamaru.. what you are you doing there?(bakamaru was stuck on the wall)
bakamaru: *regains consciousness* ALOOOOOHAAAA!!!!
hotaru: lord hashimoto! What happened? oh what a disaster! come on, you need some tending
fuyushi: What was that? cow tipping?!
COW: moooooooooo
bakamaru: (vein) *slaps the cow* I was gonna say that!
COW: moooooo (translation: sorry dude)
bakamaru: yeah me too old chum! *hugs the cow and cries like armstrong*
(then they do the dancey dancey. the cow's udder joggled around) o_O
on the other side of town..
*cling* sfx: dripping water *clang*
heavy pants fill the bakagakure tunnels (sewers).
natsumi :damn brat..
*her sharingan eyes shone in the dark*
the figure in the shadows: heh... *smirk* there you are..
natsumi: *freezes* *grits her teeth* dammit.. *takes a few steps forward*
figure: oh.. where do you think you're going? *draws nearer* *gentle giggles echo*
natsumi: this is not good! *begins to run*
chiharu: *off with her illegal business in the busy streets of bakagakure*
ahh!!! i offer you the best prices! --blah3-- *hears someone banging on some metal* hey wait.......
(from down below, through the manhole) : can anyone hear me?!
chi: ehh?? O_O natsumi?!
natsumi: chi??! s'that you? help me out!!! *bangs on the manhole*
chi: ahh! ofcourse! *opens the manhole*
natsumi: *jumps out*ok, we'll need fire power! *lights a bomb* out of the way!
chi: huh?
(can someone please draw a manhole??chi next to it..and uh.. pride's tentacle thingies ---HAHAHAHAHA--- okay.ehem. coming out of it.)
natsumi: heads up! *throws the bomb into the hole*
chi: *ducks*
natsumi: hey chi.. you alright? *helps her twin up*
chi: *coughs* i think so.. *notices natsumi's torn up clothes and bruises* what happened to you?
natsumi: *fixes herself up* naaaah, not really sure. *thinking pose* i thought i heard noises so i went to check it out. then something--
chi: someTHING?
natsumi: it was dark.. i could barely see.. i know it wasnt human though. i think i saw eyes.. lots and lots of eyes.. and.. err.. tentacles???
chi: *thinking pose* you think we could sell it? for all we know..it could be the fabled kracken(sp?),,
natsumi: SELL IT?! i could barely fight it off!
chi: *shakes her head* natsumi, natsumi, natsumi.
sweet naive natsumi..
it. *tsk tsk*
it is ALWAYS good.
natsumi: *urgh* what do you even mean by that? (-_-)
Chapter TWO: The Revival of Amestris! The State Military goes to Bakakagure!
"Brigadier General......I advise you to finish your paperwork this very instant!
"Ne, lieutenant, don't be such a kill joy. Even as you climb the ranks, one thing, I repeat, only one thing remains constant and unchangeable. An enemy to us all...
"And what would that be Sir?"
Suddenly, as if to save him form the deathly glares of his assistant, the phone rang!
"Brigadier General Mustang. How may I help you?" (im not sure if this is something a BG would say..hehe) Isabella? Im sorry I dont recall to have met a woman by that name."
'Isnt that the woman you went on a date with three days ago? Or was it last week..." Fuery answered while scractching his chin.
Suddenly, as if hit by realization, and without really remembering the said girl, Roy answered.
"Ah, Isabella. I was just joking! I was caught up in too much paperwork you see... I've been working on them since dawn. You know how we men of the military love to indulge ourselves in our responsibilities. That's just who I am..."
*Riza tightens grip on holster*
"Im doing fine. Thanks for asking. Speaking of fine, you should look in the mirror." *smirks*
*giggles* "Oh Roy, you were always quite the charmer!" (Isabella from other line)
"I merely speak the truth my dear lady. So, what's say you and me..."
Even before Roy could continue his sentence, a blood curdling gunshot was heard throughout the Southern Headquarters.
"WHAT THE FREAKIN HELL WAS THAT!?!" a random guy from outside shouted.
"We're being attacked! Ready all defences! Send out the tanks! Release the dogs!"
While the entire headquarters was in complete chaos, the men in Mustang's office shook in fear and looked as pale as white (if that was even possible) They all stared at the source of the shot. Breda swore he'd answer the phone next time.
"SIR" *looks at Roy with deadly glare, dark aura emanating from her gun*
Chapter THREE: Guava
Meanwhile, in an unknown village hidden in the shadows.... which is ironically situated one and a half rice fields away from bakakagure....
A little boy is lying on the soft grass, enjoying the view of people coming and going...and ignores the cows he is tending. Suddenly, he thought of a diabolical prank in his little diabolical mind.
"Everybody help me! A swarm of mosquitoes is gently and oh soo terrifyingly sucking the blood from my cows!!!!!!!!"
"MOOOOOOOOO" (a cow just suddenly felt like mooing and so everybody ran off with environment friendly bug spray in their hands)
"Where are the pests kid!?"
"Ready the sprays!"
But before the old and concerned villagers could make use of they're sprays, they heard a roaring laughter from somewhere near the innocent cows.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I....*wipes tears from eyes* I cant believe you actually believed me! HAHAHAHAHA!"
The villagers balled their fists. Here they were tired and concerned for the cows' well being and all they get was a prank from a little boy. What an ingrate! And so they marched towards their homes and forgotten all that's happened. But a few moments later...
"HEEEELP! SOMEBODY!! ANYBODY! SHEEPEJES ARE ATTACKING MY COWS!!!" (dont know what sheepejes are? ask hitsumi for info >:])
"Where!? Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em!" an old grandpa said, waving his cane in the air like a maniac. (or maybe he was) But tis an awful fate that they were fooled again. The villagers had enough. And so again, they marched back to their homes, leaving the little boy half dead from his laughter. After a few minutes...
The villagers had enough. They decided to ignore him, and never heed his calls once and for all. And so life at the village continued peacefully. Until 6 minutes later...
Somewhere near the Military Headquarters....
"Halt! Who goes there!?" An officer sporting an afro shouted, pointing his flashlight to the bushes even though they were in broad daylight...
Suddenly, the bushes started to move furiously as if it was in pain.
"Yo Foo! There be no hidin' in the damn bushes when Im around! Now show yowself!"
The bushes didn't answer. (duh) "Answer me man!" (black people accent, you know, in USA)
As to answer his annoying pleas, the mysterious figure in the bushes jumped out. He tried to leap as high as he can and escape from the officer's sight. But he could only jump a meter high and ended up landing his butt on the officer's afro. Both of them fell unconscious.
"Huh? Where am I!?" The man asked as soon as he regained consciousness. He looked around and found himself in an interrogation room. (totally dark room with one bulb hanging...swaying ever so slowly.. you know what i mean.)
"You were found outside the shooting range by some of my subordinates. Not only have you assaulted a patrol officer, you are also dressed in mysterious garments. I assume you come from another country. Tell me, is your traveling here done by illegal means? And what do you intend to do with the highly advanced weapons you were bringing with you? ANSWER ME."
"Who the heck are you?" *throws an i-dont-care-get-me-out-of-here glare*
"You ask who I am. I, good sir, am no other than Brigadier General Mustang. An important figure of the military, and soon to be Fuhrer. Got a problem with that?"
"You... Your a Brigadier General!?" Roy raised a brow with his question. He just said he was a Brigadier General. Does he really have to repeat himself?!
"I just said I was. Now will you answer my questions please?"
i demand archs.
like the books, not only two characters.
idea forming....
but too afraid to start typing..
so imma tell you about it nlang. you can put al of it together. somehow i lost my confidence in writing.... huh...
just continue with al and ed.. and whatever you want yumi to do. i hope this works..
dammit. ive gotten so used to making scripts narration is a prob.
me too... T_T and i think its my fault yumi's having trouble with narrations... (im sorry...)
im like making a draft.. and i keep on stopping. :/
okay... so.. me confused.. *scratches head*
if you guys have a problem with narration i can do it =3. well, if you want..
anyway, like i said, this is just the beginning. the whole fma-kages fusion story starts from here on out. this took place YEARS before the fma plot, set on Oct. 9 ( refer to Ed's watch if you dont know why..)
anyway, uhhh... *silence*
weeeird. what do you guys say? o.O (weird moment)
hey T_T did you guys even read the AN??? T_T
ehem... *cough* so... who's Al? in the story i mean...
al is al. :/ same as the usual. me making the part where natsumi battles pride in the tunnels... *sweatdrop* im having a hard time.
you still wanna adopt him yumi? =3
yea but have yumi work with roy or something, keep her away from bakagakure.
this is better than book 4 (time travel) now THAT was a mess.. God agreed by letting niza lost the book. haha
ok, youre workin with Roy. what about the others??? and.. are you doin well with your draft??
we had to put pride off for a while. we had the urge to burn half a million >=D
sooooo... guys...how do you want the kages and the military/alchemists/fmaians to clash???
oh.. we shouldnt limit to fma >:D kukukukuku.
the bakakage series is one big parody.
lets add random anime characters as we go along! hahaha.
wow..the military is soo irrational X)
go mustang!!!
lol pardon my typos. kapui nag edit.
hey let's put dragon balls.... but i really cant continue this because i dont know what your plans are guys... i dont want to distort the story
eh? just put something like
Meanwhile, in a land far far away..... or something like that...
I suck at funny stuff T_T unless you guys want a totally DARK and EMOTIONAL story.... (that would suck by the way...)
honestly... i dont know how to continue hanging stories cuz it would turn out to be something else if u let me do it...
ahh well.. lets have the fight in bakakagure. not somehwere else. for once.
hmm.... (listens to the discussion)
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