(ok so, can i give a pic, and you guys make a story? [be wild and free])

Fuyushi was a monk in a small and humble village with no name. He was a typical monk, sporting a fashionable bald head and up to date monk clothes. He also wielded an honorable staff. A staff that was proof of his monk-hood.
But alas! Fuyushi was a soulless traveller. He did not care for the worldly things in life so he began to wonder if a mere monk like him would ever fall in love with someone worthy. Until one night...
Yes! That night of pure satisfaction. That night that Fuyushi wanted to last forever.
Down by the Sanzu river that flowed from the heavens to the earth, Fuyushi paused there for a while, took a sip from the river and stared at the wonderful fireflies that were flying about innocently.
It was then a wonderful sight struck him. It was like he lost his will of being a monk. Yes, he fell in love with a beautiful woman bathing in the river! (talk about being perverted)
The girl seemed to notice him as he drew near.
"Who are you good sir?" The girl called out. Of course she was covering her necessities and she blushed like a bright red tomato.
"Uh... HAHA. I'm sorry for disturbing you. HI! My name's Fuyushi! And you are?"
"um.. Hotaru," the girl lowered her head in shame.
"I see... wow you have the same name as the Firefly princess--"
Hotaru just stared at him with a "DUH" expression.
"--oh.. You are the Firefly Princess!" Fuyushi laughed yet again.
Is he getting crazy? Or did the fireflies seem to dance about more as the two locked their eyes on each other?
Fuyushi thought, Oh shit! This is the power of Love!
But Fuyushi never thought that his happiness would be too short lived. As soon as Hotaru, the Firefly Princess, stepped out of the river and started to dress up, a malicious green mist took her away by force and a husky, evil voice called out and said, "You will never get her back! For I am the Green man! man! man! man... man..." (<---that was an echo) Fuyushi was enraged! And that was the time he decided. To throw away his monk-hood to save his one and only love! He hurried back to the village to find a companion.
Fuyushi finally made up his mind. he took his only friends in the village with him. Kai, the samurai in training and Hitsumi, the shaman in training.
"Why do I have to get dragged in this?" Kai complained.
"Every superhero needs a side kick!" fuyushi says. "You're a monk dude... not a superhero--" Hitsumi elbows Kai, "let him have his moment..."
Kai rolls his eyes and goes along.
The travelling trio then arrives at the banks of a Lake.
Fuyushi then decides to take a drink when suddenly a bright light shone upon the trio.
Out from the murky waters of the lake a beautiful black haired lady with purple eyes emerged. She was like a radiant celestial being. Almost like the embodiment of princess Kaguya herself.
"I am the Immaculate Lady Sister and I am here to help any traveller in need,"she spoke. "You monk! What is that troubles you on this journey?"
"Fuyushi's gonna save the love of his life! But he doesn't know where she's at--" Fuyushi smacked Kai on the face.
"Oh great Immaculate Lady Sister!" Hitsumi does a curtsy. "We humbly ask for your assisitance."
The Immaculate Lady Sister looked down upon them with gentle eyes, "Very well. The Firefly Princess is held captive by the Green Man. He is a master of radioactivity but his only weakness is unknown..."
The three frowned.
"...Except for his one and only cousin Yumi."
The three smiled.
"You may find her in a quaint shop about a mile from here. Assuming she gives you instructions, you must give her something in return. I believe she calls it... equivalent exchange."
" I see now! We shall be on our way, Immaculate Lady Sister!" Fuyushi bows to her in thanks. The Immaculate Lady Sister smiles, "May the force be always with you..."
"And also with you--" Hitsumi elbows Kai again. "Why do you keep doing that?! it's the correct response."
Hitsumi sighs, "let's go..."
The trio finally arrive in a mystic little shop in the middle of nowhere. "Oi!!!! I s someone home?" Kai knocks on the door. "Yes?" A little black haired boy answered the door. "we're here to find Yumi?" Hitsumi asks the little boy. "You've some to the right place. Sh'es expecting you..." as soon as the boy finished his words, the shadows around him seemed to leer at the three.
"It is I, Yumi, the shopkeeper you are looking for," Yumi said. "We want to ask you what your cousin's weakness is," Fuyushi sad. "Human kind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. In exchange for some information, I want that staff you're holding." Fuyushi looked at his staff.
His staff was his only companion in monk training. Now, he was gonna give it up to some mysterious good looking shopkeeper just for the sake of The Firefly Princess.
"Alright," he surrenders the staff to her while shaking like mad.
"Dude..." Kai calls to him in concern. Fuyushi just gave him a serious look. "Geez! People when they're in love!!!"
"My cousin's only weakness, huh?" Yumi went on. "He has a Samson complex actually. All you have to do is to dye his hair black and he'll lose his powers."
"That's it?!" Hitsumi exclaimed.
"Not just any dye. The notorious Sea Dye, guarded by the Sea Banshee." The three gulped. "It's not an easy task. First you must steal the Lunar hairpin from the Opium Queen."
"What's that for?!" Kai complains.
"The Opium Queen's sister is the Pirate Lord of the sea where you will find the Sea Dye. She will grant you access to dive her waters if you show her her sister's hairpin."
The three nods.
"After that, you must face the Sea Banshee that is guarding the Sea Dye. Selim bring me the whistle."
"Yes Master," the little boy answers and brings Yumi a steel whistle.
"Once you arrive in the Banshee's lair, blow on this whistle. It will distractt he banshee and you can now steal the Sea Dye."
"COOL." Fuyushi recieves the whistle.
"After that, make your way into my cousin's lair. Your destiny awaits, young monk."
The three bows to her in gratitude, "THANK YOU SHOPKEEPER." they all said.
(to be continued in Part 2)
its a story about a dying carabao and the farmer that owned it...
my bestfriend would play the carabao (sayuri), and i as the humble poor defenseless farmer (Ungga)... LOL
opinions and criticisms are very appreciated..
yes.. this is insanity at its best
For those who do not know a carabao is like a cow or like a buffalo but bigger.. it looks like this
So take the egg-laying creature instead,!!!!" *raises the chicken to the dark muti-colered sky* (it happened near the afternoon... you know when the sun had begin to set)
the sun was almost gone, forming multitudes of crimson smears on the sky
*the chicken sank*
Ungga could now see no more... everything was tinted scarlet
*as the forgotten miserable piece of poultry struggled for breath, Ungga did not heed to its cries.. she ignored its silent yet somewhat noisy pleas... only the caraboa was of out most importance now... only the carabao...*
*the carabo's body fell graciously from the waterfall it landed on the far away deep liquid that lay under the waterfall *
(it kinda looked like this.. just imagine that the cliff is a waterfall, and the car was a pool of water under the waterfall)
(cant.. stop... laughing!!!!!!
As a miserable montage fast forwarded into her aging brain, she cried as she saw the porttrait of her carabao hung on her walls...
"That's my last carabao, painted on the wall, looking as if she were alive. that piece of wonder, now in the waterfall's hands. worked busily a day, and there she stands."
Ungga was found dead thereafter...

Long ago.. as in long long long ago,― like last decade’s Tuesday or something―as two young children went to bed; their parents told them a long forgotten tale…
Long before the two of you were born, there was an alchemist,― one of the world’s best― who was also known as a skilled bounty hunter too. He was adept at hunting sea creatures that were considered dangerous to mankind.
One day he was hired to kill the infamous banshee of the east coast… why was she so infamous? It’s actually because she made a lot of sailors, seamen and endangered sea cows end up as corpses at the sea. With her voice alone, it is said that she can make any male creature do her bidding.
The sailor, knowing the risks, but simply not caring, traveled the 7+1=8 seas in search of this banshee who can give him lots of money… (what?? A world renowned alchemist needs money too!)
As he traveled, a tropical hurricane was actually coming in their direction… in a split second huge waves towered the skies, the harsh winds were like knives on the sailors’ skin… the boat (did I mention that it was small? Coz the alchemist dude couldn’t afford anything bigger. Hehehe) was tossed around the sea, like a small plaything at the mercy of the waves…. And the alchemist’s vision turned black…
Anyways, long story short (pls edit this pitiful story… T^T), the alchemist woke up, casted away in a deserted island in the middle of nowhere…
AG (Alchemist guy): (rubs head) ugh.. where am i?...
A woman’s Voice: Hi! :D
AG: AAAAA!!! (runs away from the woman) Who the heck are you!!! WTF are you doing here?!?
Lady: Well, my name is Hanashi (offers a hand to AG) and this is where I live… (her voice going serious)

AG: *big eye mode* O_O Y-you live here?!? (suddenly remembers why he was stranded and his purpose of going there) [darn.. that stupid storm… ] (looks around and sees a jungle in the middle of the island) [hmm… if only I can get out of here…]
Hanashi: Um excuse me, but would you mind telling me your name first? We’ll since I gave you my name and you haven’t given me yours…. It’s not fair y’know?
AG: (realizes that she forgot all about the lady) oh… sorry about that miss… uh.. my name is Liam.
Hanashi: (looks at Liam seriously) that’s not your real name, is it?
Liam: (gives Hanashi a sheepish grin) no, it’s not. *smirks* (walks to the forest)
Hanashi: Hey!! Wait!! *glares at Liam* stop at this instant!!!
Liam: (walks on) ha! Like I would… you’re not the boss of me.
And he went in the jungle, leaving the lady looking confused…(to be continued )
(hime here... pls give comments and stuff so i can improve :))